
Greiner Christian
How to get to Latin America
Delayed or canceled flights are a huge hassle, and booking platforms and their terms & conditions and possible or impossible...
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Galapagos Tortoise, Chelonoidis in the Highlands
Since there are hundreds of thousands of islands around the globe, the Galapagos archipelago is one of the most well-known, its name...
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Cotopaxi active ashes
Ecuador has, despite being a relatively small country wedged between Colombia and Peru, a total of 48 volcanoes. 15 on...
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Llama Header
Llamas, Alpacas, Guanacos, Vicuñas - All the South American Camels you need to know about!
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The Baroness and her Lovers, The Galapagos Affair
The Galapagos Affair gained international attention when mysterious events among german settlers happened in Floreana in 1935.
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